Dial-A-Nurse Naples Home Health Care > Veteran’s Aid and Assistance
Assistance for Veterans in Naples, Fort Myers & Sarasota
Veteran’s Aid and Assistance
We are here to serve you! If you do not find your question or answer below, please don’t hesitate to call us! Our team is ready to talk with you about Veteran’s Aid and Assistance services & home care for you or your loved one.
Veteran’s Assistance & Home Care
The rumors are true… we help our clients get the VA to pay for home care… not you and your PI or Personal Income such as Social Security or Retirement. What’s the catch? There is none, but you do have to meet ALL the criteria below to move forward. It costs you nothing to determine your eligibility, so please do so today!
Our program allows 40-70 hours of care AT NO COST to those that qualify, (depending on your status), so yes its a big deal to see if you qualify. To learn more, keep reading, then Apply for Eligibility at the end.
Established in 1952, Congress passed Title 38 of the United States Code, creating what we now call the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and authorizing benefits for Veterans. One of these benefits includes the ‘Aid & Attendance’, also known as the A&A , in which the funds derived from this benefit could be used to pay for ALL non-medical care services for those in need and who are eligible.
By utilizing our services, it’s our goal to provide the necessary care you or your loved ones needs in hopes they may pass away peacefully wherever they call home. Let it be known, it’s our deepest desire to eventually become extended family so we can have a beautiful relationship that allows our entire team staff to be with you, alongside you, for support unlike no other.
Instead being sad or depressed during this time, we believe we should celebrate the life of those that have fallen… we believe in sharing stories; the good, the bad, etc. We may laugh, we may cry, but at the end of the day, our mission is to love you, take care of you, and wait patiently to see what is next… together. We will repeat the process indefinitely or until your or loved one is no longer with us.
To see if you are eligible, please fill out the form below.

VA Q & A
Hired Family?
Yes! We can!
Are you a son, daughter or family member taking care of an elderly Veteran, couple, or surviving spouse?
If so, did you know we could hire and pay you as a Caregiver? It’s true.
When we meet compassionate family members like you that are already providing non-medical home care for your loved ones… for free of course! We have three (3) options on how our services could affect you in a positive way.
• We would treat you like one of our own employees
• You would be a W-2 employee, pay taxes, train online, etc.
• Some families see the value in getting paid for their work at home
• We would pay you like the rest of our Caregivers on staff (bi-monthly)
• We would use our qualified Caregivers to provide care
• Some family members need a break, also known as ‘respite care’
• Our services would give relief to all family members over time
• We would stagger our shifts that could revolve around you and your loved one’s existing schedules
• Simply split the hours of the benefit between you and our team
• Some families like Split-Care, especially for clients that don’t need much help and therefore require less hours of care
• Most families have our Caregivers to do light-house cleaning, meal prep, etc. so the family members can enjoy their retired Veteran or widow with less chores and more visiting
• As conditions change over time, we see most families making minor time-adjustments (i.e. less time with family members being the provider, more time with our Caregivers as the provider), due mostly to a natural decline in the health of the client
• Any Veteran or the surviving spouse (widow) of a Veteran that is greater than 65 years old (not unless living on SSA)
• Any Veteran or the surviving spouse (widow) of a Veteran that is less than 65 years old, IF they currently are on Social Security Disability through the state.
• Any Veteran or the surviving spouse (widow) of a Veteran who served at least 90 days on active duty, at least one day during wartime.
• Veterans that were honorably discharged from service.
• Any Veteran or the surviving spouse (widow) of a Veteran that has a medical condition causing them to need assistance with two (2) Activities of Daily Living (ADLs).
• Any Veteran or surviving spouse (widow) of a Veteran that may have limited income and assets (excluding home and vehicle).
• Any Veteran or the surviving spouse (widow) of a Veteran who has high income/asset levels, was dishonorably discharged, missed wartime periods, etc.
• Any Veteran or the surviving spouse (widow) of a Veteran who received *Medicaid AND lives in a nursing home.
• Any Veteran or the surviving spouse (widow) of a Veteran who currently receives compensation and/or disability funds through the VA. There is a special case where they may be eligible, please call for more details.
• Any Veteran or the surviving spouse (widow) of a Veteran who received >50% (or more) of disability from the *VA most likely will not qualify because their disability income is greater than the benefit amount (i.e. the VA will pay only one benefit, usually the higher amount of benefit funds).
• *Any Veteran or the surviving spouse (widow) of a Veteran living at home that is currently on Medicaid may be entitled since the A&A is ‘not considered income’ so one could be on Medicaid AND receive the A&A in conjunction.
• World War II: Dec 7, 1941 – Dec. 31, 1946
• Korean Conflict: June 27, 1950 – Jan. 31, 1955
• Vietnam Era: Aug. 5, 1964 – May 7, 1975 (anywhere)
• Vietnam Veterans who served Feb. 28, 1961 – Aug 5, 1964 must have served within the country – in Vietnam – boots on the ground, state-side is not accepted.
• Persian Gulf War: Aug 2, 1990 to date to be prescribed by Presidential proclamation or law. Must have served active duty for a minimum of two (2) years.
Please fill out the below questions regarding eligibility. Once submitted, you will receive a call directly from Veteran’s Naples Home Care usually within 24-48 hours. Please look for a call-back soon!
Three easy steps to independence for elders and peace of mind for their families.
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Enjoy the company of a compatible caregiver and flourish in your own home.